Posts from the ‘Spiritual’ Category

God loves Color 

Not all tree’s are light green. Not all tree’s are dark green. They are dark, light, and everything in between. That is what God’s creation is all about 😀 He loves different color in his creation and different color of people ❤

Get Better Sleep


Don’t allow fear, worry and anxiety to disrupt your sleep. Practicing gratefulness allows the body to relax more effectively. Keep a gratitude/thankful journal by your bed and write down three things you are genuinely grateful for that day.
Then we Your people, the sheep of Your pasture, will give You thanks forever; we will show forth and publish Your praise from generation to generation. Psalm 79: 13



Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and, with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. Philippians 4: 6

American Idol

Bold and beautiful, 18 year old Angela Miller singing about Jesus setting us free from baggage, from hard times.
She wrote this song herself!
So POWERFUL!!  It makes me cry every time I hear it!  It heals and touches my soul.  Thank you Angela, for sharing your gift to the world!
Angela Miller Performs in Hollywood: Solo Round – Hollywood Week – AMERICAN IDOL SEASON 12
click here- You tube

Angela Miller knew performing her own song was a risk that she was willing to take.

This is her last amazing video on….. American Idol

Compassion Sunday October 7th 2012

Please take a few minutes and listen to this amazing story!!
Her story made me cry. She lived in so much poverty.
Consider sponsoring a child.:) It sure made a difference in this young girls life!
Click on this story is so beautiful!
This story is so beautiful!!

Hear the story of Raf, a Compassion child, and how through the generosity of her sponsor her life was changed by Jesus.

Compassion International exists as a Christian ministry that releases children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty and enables them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults.

Without Compassion most of these children would not get to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This program prevents hunger.
It also provides, important life-skill training, clean water, medical care, and teaches the children to read and write.
Without it most of children would be illiterate.

Today Compassion works in 26 countries.

Compassion International is:
    Committed to Integrity since 1952

Today we can value children that no one else will.
We live in a blessed place, and those who can should be a blessing to others.

When we serve the “very least of these,” we are serving the Savior Himself as it says in Mathew 25:40 and accomplishing what He has called us to do. 

When we make a difference in someone’s life, we are affected also. It changes their lives and ours. It’s one of the great blessings of serving others.

Me and Jeff have been honored and humbled to be able to be sponsors for Compassion for many years. We are sponsoring Emmadi  from India.

If you would like to get involved and sponsor you can just go to their website or contact them and select a needy child today.
I have their # 1-800-336-7676

It will bless your life and change theirs forever.
Thanks so much,

Compassion International 

Faithfulness Poem

A faithful Godly couple
Ken and Faye
A beautiful couple still in love for over 60 years
Faye a women with a sweet smell of faithfulness to God and an example that honors Him.
Ken with a twinkle in his eyes , a man with the joy of the Lord in his smile.
Both are trusting and true.
So precious in Jesus sight,
An example for all to follow,
The precious Lord has always been your guide,
All His blessings are forever yours.
For there are many jewels in your crowns, for  all your service to Jesus and the saints.
May all your former days be filled with His glorious presence and love! ♥



by me – Beth Evenson

Ken and Faye retirement party

Mom’s Poem to Me

Botanical Gardens

I hear you in the corner of

my ear – almost unnoticed.

You play your music so softly

in order to combine earth’s

natural rhythm with yours.

You know your song will be heard

in the cosmos – far beyond time.

There will be dancing and singing

in the galaxy with light waves

and atmospheric sound.

A gathering begins at the rock

concert for all those in harmony.

Earth has been invited to join their

solar band. Will the blue rock be

a star in the show?

published by Bear House Publishing in Harmony In My Head

sent to me by- Barbara Goerdel (my mom)

Faith Poem

New Eyes

Running through the village
embracing everyone she meets,
she laughs in ecstasy.
People call her mad.

“New eyes!” she cries.
“I have been given new eyes!”

And it is true.

Amazing love was shown to her.
For the scales which had previously blinded her
are gone now, erased
revealing such utter glory
that her mind took flight,
leaving only a rapturous heart,
the old life gone, new one taking flight
racing through the streets
on fire with Jesus love.

Free like a humming bird!

Self Control! What is That?

What are ways we can be out of control?

Why is our flesh so bad, once we start feeding it distinctive things, stopping is the problem;  Probably because it is an escape and it feels good temporally. It is okay to feel good .

How high do we want to fly?  Why do we crave things that will ultimately kill us?  Are we stupid or something? 

We can get satisfaction from doing good.  It feels so good to do good!!  A higher life, way higher and above human reason.  Christ came to give us life and life more abundantly!

Substance abuse
1. Alcohol

2. Drugs

3. Food- Always a problem!

4. Cigarettes

Sexual addictions

God made it for a husband and Wife

Gambling addictions

Addictions are hard and can be overcome! Support from others and God helps us.

The Marshmallow Test

This is cute! Click Marshmallows

What will help me with Self-Control?

To have self-control gives such power!  Not being controlled by a substance or an addiction. 
Not letting your natural desires go too far. 
A good friend is great to have to keep on track! 

Being involved in church helps a lot!

Great Ideas to Help:

1. Put Christ first
2. Conviction
3. Encounter with God
4. Learning from suffering
5. Learning from pain of wrong decisions
6. Crying out to God
7. Encouragement from a friend
8. Prayer
9. Leaning on Gods strength and power
10. Deliverance
11. Being too busy doing what needs to be done
12. Helping others
13. No idle time
14. Focus on task ahead
15. Satisfaction from simple things
16. Being fruitful
17. Rest without worry
18. Ignore temptations
19. No need for stupidity
20. Doing what I am suppose to be doing
13. Prioritize my life
14. Have fun but put away childish ways
15. Make a difference
16. Grown up
17. Wisdom of consequences
18. To be stable
19. Realize we can’t be perfect 
20. Find good company
21. Hang around strong moral people
22. Bad company destroys 
23. Be controlled by the spirit and not  the flesh. Romans 7:15
24. Don’t be a slave to sin

Being out of balance. All of us struggle with it at times.
We abuse our bodies.  Thank goodness for Christs mercy, grace, and forgiveness!!
Galatians 5:22-23 The fruit of the spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control. 
 I sure struggle with balance! I want to live a higher life, a life above this one!!

 *Results of marshmallow test*

Christ Like Virtues

7 Virtues of Christ Like Behavior

2 Peter 1: 3-11

v.3   His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.

v.4   Through these He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

v.5   For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith1.Goodness;and to goodness, 2. Knowledge

v.6  and to knowledge,3.Self-Control; and to self-control, 4.Perseverance; and to perseverance, 5.Godliness

v.7  and to godliness, 6.Brotherly Kindness; and to brotherly kindness, 7.Love

v.8  For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

v.9  But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that He has been cleansed from his past sins.

v.10 Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall,and

v.11  You will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The Shroud of Turin

I saw the most amazing documentary on The Shroud of Turin on the History Channel. For many years they have studied the shroud and Christs image. A group of scientist studied, and analyzed the image and shape to form the closest true face of Jesus. The pictures show from beginning to end the amazing transformation.

Shroud of Turin- Wikipedia

Shroud of Turin Blog